
Disclaimer: bob.fun is frequently updated so past strategies may not produce the same results, this is not financial advice, just sharing my experience.

BOB is still pay-to-mine, but there are ways to increase your chances without directly spending more ICP.

My current setup:

  • 26 miners

  • All run at 100 TC/day (none runs all day)

When adding TC to the miner, make sure the popup shows exactly 100 TC, if the popup shows 99 TC, try again, every little bit counts!

Now, here’s the real difference: strategically refilling each container.

Step 1: Go to the Leaderboard tab and find the most recent block, don’t pay attention to the number of miners!

Step 2: Look for “Total Cycles Burned,” a key metric that shows you how your competitors stack up.


Here's how to interpret it:

  • Higher total cycles consumed = lower chance

  • Lower Cycles consumption = Higher chance

NOTE: This changes every block, the trick is to look for the pattern, wait a few blocks and see the average total Cycles consumption.

Step 3: Once you notice a lower Cycles consumption, it’s time to fill up your container.

The average consumption for most blocks is around 100 TC, and anything below that is pretty good.

I use CycleOps to top up, which takes time to set up initially, but will save a ton of time in the long run.

In CycleOps, I topped up each container with about 1-2 TC or about 2 ICP, you need to keep this low to avoid wasting Cycles in more competitive blocks, in total I used about 5.2 ICP to top up all containers, now, it’s time to play the odds.

Let's look at a real example:


Assuming we see several blocks with an average total cycles burned of 50 TC, using my setup as an example, we have 26 miners with 100 TC at our disposal per day, giving us about 12.6 TC every 7 minutes (or 12.6 TC per block), which means that our chance of mining a block with a total mined amount of about 50 TC is about 12.6 / 50, or about 25.2%.

Much better odds than 26 miners against thousands, note: even with this strategy, our chance of not mining the block is still 74.8%.

Keep in mind that bob.fun is constantly being updated, so this strategy may not work forever, but for now, it works.

To summarize:

  • Monitoring Rankings

  • Looking for low total cycles consumption

  • Strategic Recharge

  • Playing the Odds

This approach took me from almost zero chance to about a 25% chance within a given block, which isn't guaranteed, but it's a significant improvement.

BOB is still pay to mine, and at the end of the day the more you pay the better your chances are, but hopefully this will help others mine more BOB tokens.

For more information, please read:

  • What project increased ICP network computing capacity by 20 times?

  • 14 times return in just a few days? Introducing BOB, a popular project on ICP in recent days


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