There is no reference for the Fed's rate cut. I have always known that the Fed's rate cut is inevitable and positive, and the market will definitely rebound. A rebound is certain, but the downward trend cannot be stopped. There is a lack of liquidity in the market, and no funds are willing to stay in the market for a long time, and everyone is anxious to cash out. The pull-up of the altcoin is also taking advantage of this shot in the arm to take the opportunity to ship, so there is no need to worry about missing the opportunity, just wait patiently. What needs to be worn out are the retail investors with fluctuating wills. The less firm you are, the more you will expose your needs in the market, and the easier it will be to be harvested. This is true for trading, and it is also true for being a person. Strong cognition is not enough, and you also need the endurance of unity of knowledge and action. #加密市场反弹 #BNBChain与Telegram集成