Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) -> Existing gaps

1. Bitcoin (BTC) has only two gaps that have not been filled - Gap 1: $9,300 to $9,500; Gap 2: $20,400 to $21,000.

2. Ethereum (ETH) has only two gaps that have not been filled - Gap 1: $2,700 to $3,000; Gap 2: $1,436 to $1,525.

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have attracted much attention in the financial market, and the existing gaps have also become the focus of investors. Bitcoin currently has only two gaps that have not been filled, of which Gap 1 is between $9,300 and $9,500, and Gap 2 is between $20,400 and $21,000. Ethereum also has two gaps to be addressed, Gap 1 is $2,700 to $3,000, and Gap 2 is $1,436 to $1,525. However, it is difficult to determine when these gaps can be filled, or whether they can be filled at all. In the field of financial markets, which is full of variables, the existence of gaps does have a certain metaphysical mystery.

Looking back at historical data, other gaps have been filled at different time points, but facing these unfilled gaps and new gaps that may appear at any time, the future trend is full of uncertainty. Investors often need to weigh carefully when facing these situations, because whether the gap is filled or not will directly affect the direction of the market and their own interests.