Salute to the crypto people! 🤝🤝

🌍💰 When it comes to wealth, the first thing that comes to mind is Elon Musk with his space ambitions 🚀 or Jeff Bezos with his home delivery empire 📦. But believe it or not, even these guys are in the shade compared to Mansa Musa, a man whose fortune was so huge that historians still shrug their shoulders trying to calculate it. Let's take a look back in time and find out who this legendary rich man was, how he got rich, and most importantly, how many bitcoins he would have if he lived today. Spoiler: a lot! 😎

Who is Mansa Musa? 😯

Mansa Musa I is not just a king, but a real star of the Middle Ages. In 1312, he became the ruler of the Mali Empire, which then controlled the world's gold reserves. Yes, literally - half of the world's gold was in his hands. And this gold did not just gather dust in the basements of his palaces, it was actively used in trade.

But what really made him famous was his journey to Mecca in 1324. Musa took with him such a caravan of gold and gave it away so generously that some countries experienced inflation! Imagine being so rich that you accidentally ruin the economies of entire regions. Someone even joked that if he had bitcoins, he could bring down all the crypto exchanges! 😅

How did he get rich? 💸

If you think he won a medieval lottery, you're wrong. Mansa Musa's wealth was based on two main resources: gold and salt. The Mali Empire controlled the largest gold deposits in the world. And salt was almost more expensive than gold at the time, as it preserved food and was in great demand.

Musa masterfully managed these resources, making his empire a true economic superpower. Trade routes, rich mines, and control over strategic regions are what made him insanely rich. It’s hard to imagine how much bitcoin he would have accumulated with such asset management skills! 💰💎

How much money did he have? 💻

So, let's translate Mansa Musa's wealth into the cryptocurrency metrics we're used to. Historians estimate his net worth at around $400 billion. That's already more than Musk and Bezos combined, and now imagine a Bitcoin worth $60,000 (oh, the sweet times of the crypto boom 🤑). Estimates say Mansa would have 6.67 million Bitcoin. That's more than some crypto exchanges!

For context: the total number of bitcoins that will ever be mined is 21 million. That means Mansa Musa would own almost a third of all bitcoins. Imagine if one person could influence the crypto market so easily. With one tweet, he could crash the market and raise it to the sky 🌕📉. So what? He probably would have tried it at one time!

What would he do with that much bitcoin? 🤔

If Mansa Musa were in the crypto world, he would definitely be the biggest player. With so many bitcoins, he could create an entire economy based on cryptocurrency. Who knows, maybe he would start giving away bitcoins on his new pilgrimage - for example, going to the crypto community with the help of aero-cash. 😄💸

And I would probably also set up my own NFT-style crypto chamber with gold mines on the blockchain. I would definitely become a trendsetter!

Lessons from Mansa Musa for crypto traders

Mansa Musa is not just a personification of wealth, but also an example of wise management. His fortune was not just about accumulation, but about distribution and efficient use of assets. The same can be said about crypto investors today: it’s not how many coins you have, it’s how you manage them.

Oh, and don't forget about generosity. Musa gave away gold left and right, helping those in need. Maybe you should send a few satoshi to charity? 😉

If this story has inspired you to think about smart asset management, subscribe to my articles, like them and tell your friends! Maybe one of us is the next Mansa Musa, only in the world of crypto! 💪

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