I happened to see a lot of tweets from painters, and I understand what they said. The decline in the exchange rate of USDT against CNY is a very normal thing. This is also one of the knowledge that many friends need to popularize. A long-term and substantial depreciation of the exchange rate will almost never occur unless there is a black swan. What happened is completely within expectations, which is the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut.

As interest rate cuts continue, it is very likely that the USD/CNY exchange rate will continue to fall. In fact, this is not just true for CNY, but also for EUR (Euro) and JPY (Japanese Yen). This is why I keep talking about buying Euros and Japanese Yen before the exchange rate drops, so that I can make use of the foreign exchange rate difference.

The reason for not choosing CNY should be well-known. I am still buying Euro and Yen at the recent exchange rate, but I guess I won’t buy them for a long time. For me, it is enough to make the highest certainty of profit.

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