[Blockchain News] Shezmu Protocol Successfully Recovered Nearly $5 Million in Stolen Funds 🎉

This morning, Chaofan Shou, co-founder of blockchain analysis company Fuzzland, warned that a repository of the yield protocol Shezmu was hacked and about $4.9 million worth of cryptocurrency was stolen. Although it is unclear whether the incident was a deliberate attack, Shezmu quickly took action to negotiate with the hacker.

Shezmu proactively urged the hacker to return the funds in exchange for a bounty and promised not to pursue legal responsibility. The hacker asked for a 20% bounty instead of the initial 10%, which Shezmu eventually agreed to pay. Within a few hours, Shezmu began to recover the stolen funds one after another, but not all funds have been recovered.

The Shezmu team reminded investors to temporarily limit interaction with the protocol's Oasis vault until there are further updates. Although the overall market attitude is neutral, Bitcoin remains the focus of our optimism 🌟.