🚹 Hamster Kombat Airdrop Season 1 Controversy!

The much-anticipated Season 1 of the Hamster Kombat Airdrop has officially ended, but it’s not without controversy. A significant portion of users, labeled with “Cheating is bad,” have been deemed ineligible to receive their airdrop rewards.

Airdrop Allocation Breakdown:

Season 1: 60%

Season 2: 15%

But here's where things get interesting. Rumors suggest that only 37% of eligible users actually received their airdrop for Season 1. If true, this raises concerns about transparency and the decision to exclude a large portion of the community.

Many affected users have been actively engaged for months, dedicating significant time and effort. Was disqualifying them the best solution? A more balanced approach could have been reducing their key count to zero, giving them a fair chance to start over, rather than a complete removal from the process.

This situation demands further clarity. Why exclude such a large part of the community when there are alternative solutions that can balance fairness and engagement?

What are your thoughts on the situation? Should the process be more transparent or does the current approach make sense?

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