Looking back at these rounds of bull markets, which round is easier to make money?

1.2015-2017: In this round, the performance of the market's altcoins from 2015 to the end of 2016 was not outstanding. However, in 2017, as the market rose, many people also experienced a 94-year plunge. But in the end, the market returned to a higher point.

2.2019-2021: During this period, Bitcoin quickly rose more than four times, while the gains of many altcoins were relatively limited. The altcoins listed around June 2019 fell by more than 10 times or even 20 times by March 2020. But then, these currencies also experienced a rebound.

3. Overall observation: Every round of the market is not easy, but the development of Web3 is slowly affecting the world, and the future will only get better and better. No matter how the market fluctuates, there will always be opportunities.

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