Little JTO Jiuge also got it. Are there any friends who followed us? We have been very strong recently. We got it in spot and Heyue. I don’t know how you are doing.

We ambushed Bome, Sol and other spot in advance. We got about 20 points. And JTO and Turbo, which we asked everyone to short yesterday, also made everyone get it directly.

Both were clearly marked and everyone got shorted directly. Turbo was at 0.00585 and everyone got shorted.

JTO also made everyone pay attention. It was at 2.367. Isn’t it a direct profit? The two times of getting it without any difference are already very good, and the goals have been achieved! $TURBO $JTO $SOL #加密市场反弹 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #特朗普首次使用BTC