After 916 days of hard work, we have achieved a major victory in the game between China and the United States, which marks the end of the hard days for the people.

Looking back, in 2019 before the masks, major cities across the country were scrambling to recruit college students, offering preferential policies such as household registration and housing subsidies. The job market was so prosperous at that time.

However, the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse in the past two years, with the employment rate of college graduates falling below 30%, and many people having to switch to delivering food. The property market has plummeted, the stock market is in a terrible state, and the economic situation is grim.

The root of all this lies in the financial hegemony of the United States.

The interest rate cut, that is, the reduction of deposit interest rates, once made the US deposit interest rate as high as 5.5%, while our interest rate was only 3%.

This has resulted in a massive outflow of capital into the United States, putting tremendous pressure on our economy.

In 2022, when the world had just emerged from the shadow of the epidemic and was about to recover with all its strength, China had already shown a scene of prosperity.

The epidemic has caused the global supply chain to be shattered, and China, as the only country with a complete industrial chain, has resolutely shouldered the responsibility of meeting global material needs.

At that time, the price of containers soared to ten times the original price, and the ports were filled with ships loaded with Chinese-made products, ready to sail to all parts of the world.

China's export trade has therefore reached a new historical peak.

However, at this moment, the United States suddenly announced a series of interest rate hikes, raising interest rates for eleven consecutive times, from 0% to 5.5%.

The profit-seeking and risk-averse nature of capital has driven them to flock to the United States in pursuit of high interest rates, resulting in a large amount of funds that should have been used to expand production and recruitment flowing to the United States.

We have helplessly witnessed as much as $2 trillion flow from China to the United States.

The US's move to raise interest rates actually reflects the difficulties of its domestic economy.

During the epidemic, American factories stopped production and ports closed. Instead of focusing on epidemic control, the government chose to print a large amount of money.

However, the growth rate of commodity production is far lower than the speed of money printing, resulting in excess liquidity in the market and a depreciation of the US dollar.

In order to recover this excess currency, the United States ultimately chose the strategy of raising interest rates.

However, raising interest rates has not solved the problem in the United States. The U.S. debt has reached an exaggerated $35 trillion. Americans do not save money, but the per capita debt exceeds $100,000.

Even Musk said that the United States is going bankrupt. But why is the United States not in a hurry to cut interest rates and reduce deposits?

Because they are competing with China, raising and lowering interest rates are their means to reap the benefits of the whole world.

In the late 1970s, when the United States was in an economic crisis, they spent lavishly and made purchases on a large scale, attracting the whole world to buy U.S. Treasury bonds, and then used the money to continue buying, creating a false prosperity.

Then they raised interest rates, causing money from all over the world to flow into the United States, and then they acquired at low prices those projects that had been abandoned due to broken capital chains.

However, this time the United States encountered a rising China.

China has a complete industrial chain and can provide the goods needed by any country. It is also a huge market.

Despite the suppression from the United States, China still supports the economies of various countries, making it impossible for the United States to buy at low prices.

Finally, the United States announced a rate cut.

This indicates that a large amount of funds will flow back to China, companies will recruit more people to expand production, and ordinary people will buy houses and cars to improve their lives.

I predict that China's real estate market will pick up, and the market will rise rapidly in as little as half a year or as much as a year.

No matter how the United States obstructs, it cannot stop China's rise.

This interest rate cut is not a trick by the United States to reap the world, but a victory for China in its fight against the United States.

In five years, China's economy will surely surpass that of the United States. Let us look forward to that day together!