①As a new coin, the current popularity of the entire network is shining on this coin. The current lowest price has fallen to 0.811, which is the 0.7-0.75 line of pre-market trading, which is relatively strong

②This coin is relatively safe in the first three days. You can hold it and return it. Let's talk about it in the next three days. Although the overall market is in a state of stagflation, it will not collapse immediately, so CATI still has a chance to perform. Once a large number of chips flow into the market, it will be difficult for the main force to attract more chips. So whether the main force can seize the opportunity depends on this weekend and Monday

③There is no reference for the support and resistance level. Everyone is a cat person. Except for those who buy and sell before the market, the cost may be at the 0.7 line. The others are all played. If you ask him what the cost is, there is no cost, just the time cost

④What everyone cares about most is whether you can buy? Can you sell? Buy the squats in the first three days to make some pocket money, sell them at a high of 111 to reduce your position, don't rush to clear your position in the first three days!
