The live DePin event in Singapore was very popular. In Europe and the United States, DePin is also favored by investors as one of the hottest tracks.

Yesterday, Solana also released their new mobile phone, one of the core functions of which is that the mobile phone can continuously generate income for users as a depin device. Although hundreds of thousands of mobile phones have been sold, large-scale coverage is obviously unrealistic.

Today, this project allows users to easily integrate a Web3 native operating system into their existing smartphones. This approach ensures that anyone can participate in the decentralized mobile ecosystem without having to purchase new hardware. By simply installing a new system, users can access the features and benefits of the DeMIN network, including the ability to use recommended decentralized applications (dApps) and earn rewards. This process lowers the barrier to entry, enables widespread adoption, and allows every Android user to regain ownership and control of their mobile experience.

This project is @upnetworkhq



Project Introduction
Up Network is creating the world’s first decentralized mobility infrastructure network (DeMIN) powered by Movement.

It aims to enable 3.3 billion Android devices to join this decentralized network as light nodes, allowing ordinary smartphones to operate with enhanced Web3 capabilities, thereby creating a more democratic and inclusive digital ecosystem.

Project Features
1. Native wallet and light node
Each UpOS device runs as a light node in the Decentralized Mobile Infrastructure Network (DeMIN), providing a native wallet that supports headless signature technology and can be easily integrated between Web2 and Web3 environments. This ensures that users can securely manage their digital assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) without sacrificing the convenience they expect from modern smartphones.

2. Data ownership through ZKP identity
UpOS is built with a strong focus on user privacy and data ownership. Leveraging zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) identity technology, UpOS ensures that users have full control over their data. This approach significantly reduces the risk of data being misused by centralized entities, enabling users to recover their digital identities and protect their personal information in an increasingly data-driven world.

Revenue Model
1. Transform Web2 applications into reward earning platforms
UpOS empowers users by seamlessly converting their favorite Web2 apps to an “Up-enabled” platform. This means that apps you’ve been using, like social media or productivity tools, can now connect to the Up network and start generating Web3 rewards. Users don’t need to take any extra steps - UpOS takes care of the integration, allowing everyone to continue using their favorite apps.

2. Earn rewards in all app types
Whether you are interacting with traditional Web2 applications or exploring new Web3 applications, UpOS ensures that users are rewarded for their participation. The system does not discriminate based on application type; instead, it rewards users’ activities across the board. Simply by using the applications you like, you can accumulate tokens or other valuable rewards, making the time users spend online more valuable and engaging, regardless of which platform they use.

3. Maximize the value of digital experience
UpOS maximizes the value of digital experiences by ensuring that every interaction, whether in Web2 or Web3, increases the user's earning potential. This transformative approach encourages users to take full advantage of the digital tools at their disposal, knowing that their time and engagement directly contribute to their own financial well-being. By making every moment spent online more valuable, UpOS helps users see the true value of their digital activities.

Not disclosed yet

Mining Points
You can participate in mining points:

Log in with email or Twitter, there are three ways to get points

1. Complete social media tasks and invite users to earn points

2. Click once every 3 hours to mine points

3. After purchasing the hardware, enter the device code to get extra points incentive

4. The project will start pre-sale at 9:00 pm on September 22 (Beijing time), with a pre-sale price of US$999

1. Although this project does not have a good financing background, what it does is very interesting. Mobile phone depin is no longer just about selling mobile phones. Instead, it allows billions of existing mobile devices to join web3. This story is more imaginative and makes large-scale adoption possible. Who wouldn't want to make money by adding something to their mobile phone?

2. Secondly, this project is supported by @movementlabsxyz

3. The third is the token2049 in Europe, America and Singapore. Depin has always been very popular. As a domestic user, you need to keep up with the hot tracks overseas.

4. Diversified revenue models: Both web3 products and web2 products can generate revenue for mobile phone users

5. The pre-sale price of mobile phones seems a bit expensive compared to other projects. You can judge for yourself.