Many friends are asking what is a strong banker coin? Strong banker coins usually have the following characteristics

1. Long wash time: bankers will spend more time on wash, and some even take up to two months, using wash to wash out those unsteady holders. The wash period is also the most challenging for patience and determination

2. Long start time: It may take a month from wash to start. Bankers will suddenly buy a large amount and then sell quickly. After several cycles, the price will continue to increase

3. Long pull time: bankers usually pull for about two months. During the pull period, they will retreat and wash the market again to wash out the last holders.

Bankers may quickly raise prices within a day, and the increase may reach 300% or more. Such a rapid pull is intended to quickly increase the bottom price and prevent retail investors from getting low-priced chips. If the first day of the pull is discovered by too many retail investors, bankers may wash the market at the same time during the pull process, inducing retail investors to chase high and then smash the market.

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