🚨 Breaking News: FBI Busts Major Bitcoin Operation! 🚨

In a stunning operation, the FBI has arrested 20-year-old Malone Lam from Singapore, accused of conspiring to steal and launder a whopping $230 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC) from residents in Washington County. Alongside accomplice Jeandiel Serrano, Lam reportedly used flashy aliases like “Anne Hathaway” and “VersaceGod” to carry out this audacious scheme.

💰 The Heist: Lam allegedly pilfered over 4,100 BTC by hacking into victims’ cryptocurrency accounts and funneling the funds into his own. The operation began in August, employing pass-through wallets and VPNs to obscure their tracks.

🌍 The Lavish Lifestyle: Investigators reveal that Lam and his crew spent the laundered funds on extravagant trips, luxury cars, jewelry, and upscale rentals in hotspots like Los Angeles and Miami.

Stay vigilant and protect your crypto! Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. 🔒✨

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