💰 Bitcoin miners’ wallets in the dust of history, after sleeping for 15 years, shocked the crypto world with huge transfers!

In the vast crypto universe, several ancient wallets seemed to have awakened from the long river of time, instantly igniting the passion of the entire community! 🔥 After being silent for about 15 years, these Bitcoin miners’ treasures quietly transferred out 250 golden BTCs. According to the current market price, wow, more than 15 million US dollars of huge sums of money just flowed quietly! 😱

On September 20, Lookonchain’s exclusive revelation took us back to 2009 - at that time, 5 brave miners harvested the first kiss of blockchain, and each received 50 bitcoins as a reward for their hard work. Now, this batch of dusty memories has been awakened for the first time, and the ripples of capital flow have caused waves in the crypto world.

🔍 Tracing back to the cradle of Bitcoin, the afterglow of the "Satoshi era" seems to still shine on these wallets. Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious father of digital currency, has gone away, but these wallets left behind have become one of the clues to find his whereabouts. Detectives in the community have come online to speculate whether these wallets hide the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto or have a close connection with him. However, given the tacit understanding of the five wallets' synchronous actions, they are more likely to be treasures belonging to a certain team or related party.

💼 So, how many sleeping giants are waiting to be awakened? According to in-depth research by Fortune magazine, over the past decade, more than 1.75 million Bitcoin wallets have seemed to be forgotten by time, lying there quietly, guarding a huge wealth of more than 1,798,681 BTC. Converted to today's value, that is a huge treasure of more than 120 billion US dollars! 😱

In recent years, more and more early Bitcoin wallets have begun to show vitality, and some funds have flowed to new addresses or exchanges, as if the holders are announcing to the world: "I am back!" They may be looking for the right time to cash in this wealth that has traveled through time and space and become a legend in the crypto world.

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