It has been 5 days since the rate cut, and most of the coins are rising. Is there still a chance to get on board now?

Which coins can be ambushed?

First of all, I personally think that you can get on board at any time.

As for which coins to ambush,

1 Look at whether you are betting on the short-term or medium- and long-term

2 Look at your position capital allocation

3 Look at your risk resistance

Define yourself and then choose

If you like short-term spot betting with a large space

I think dodo can be gambled on hot spots now

You can be long-term, short-term, and contract

The following is a brief introduction to dodo. You should first understand him


Then play her so that you will feel comfortable

Give some dodo operation strategies at the end

DODO is a decentralized trading platform that mainly provides efficient liquidity for Web3 assets through its innovative active market maker (PMM) algorithm. It allows users to easily trade and issue various digital assets, provide competitive prices and reduce impermanent losses.

Functions of DODO

Token trading: Users can buy and sell tokens on the platform. Liquidity mining: Users can participate in liquidity mining activities and get rewards. Token creation: Easily create your own ERC20 token on an EVM-compatible blockchain. Crowdpooling: A way to distribute tokens to ensure fair participation. Stable pool: Focus on stablecoin trading and provide efficient liquidity. Private pool: Provide professional market makers with exclusive liquidity and flexibility for dynamic parameter adjustment.

PMM algorithm

PMM is a model based on traditional financial order books that maintains sufficient liquidity by dynamically adjusting asset price curves. This approach is more efficient than traditional AMMs and reduces impermanent loss.


DODO X is a super aggregator that provides cross-chain transactions and liquidity aggregation to ensure users get the best exchange rate and trading experience.

Through these features, DODO is committed to providing a safe and efficient DeFi experience that adapts to the needs of different users.

4o mini

dodo is now priced at 0.1388

Short-term contracts can be traded at 0.125

Mid- and long-term prices can be bought at any time, waiting for a breakthrough of 0.15

If there is no breakthrough within the month, you can wait and see

dodo is the grandson of Bn, and he will rise as Bnb becomes stronger

After all, it is one of the hundred-fold coins!

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点