Your wealth is being stolen and most people have no idea.

♣️The price of money is its purchasing power - what you can exchange it for.

When the purchasing power of money goes down, it means you can buy fewer goods and services with it (and the price of everything else goes up).

♣️The purchasing power of the dollar against gold has fallen by over 99% since 1930 (e.g. $1 million in 1930 would buy 47,619 ounces of gold, today $1 million would buy 384 ounces of gold)

Most people think that stocks and prime real estate are great alternatives to the dollar if you want to build long-term savings, so we don't need a new system.

But they don't realize that stocks and prime real estate aren't for everyone in the world.

There are people around the world who don't have access to brokerage accounts and the stock market.

Most people can't afford real estate in their own country either.

The current financial system only works for the rich

Banks can create more dollars out of thin air and lend those dollars to the rich.

The current financial system is designed to allow the wealthy to accumulate assets (stocks and real estate) and enslave everyone else to work to maintain the value of those assets.

®#Bitcoinis an alternative system designed to work for everyone, no matter how wealthy you are

Most people don’t understand this yet, so act now to have a chance to build wealth

The dollar has lost 99.999% of its purchasing power over Bitcoin (1 dollar once bought over 300 Bitcoins, today 1 dollar buys only 0.000015 Bitcoins)

The purchasing power of Bitcoin will always increase (1 Bitcoin buys $63,000 today, eventually 1 Bitcoin will buy over $1,000,000)




