Odaily Planet Daily News LayerZero posted on the X platform that the ZRO claiming period has ended, and all unclaimed tokens will be redistributed to wallets that previously claimed the airdrop. Redistribution qualifications: - Ineligible: After the TGE, wallets that claim ZRO but do not have any transactions will no longer receive any tokens. In addition, wallets identified as witches in the first or second round of audits are also ineligible. - Eligible: Wallets that claim ZRO after the TGE and have used LayerZero at least once are eligible to receive additional tokens. The distribution of eligible wallets is as follows: - Eligible wallets will receive proportionally based on their initial share of ZRO from the TGE. - Tokens that enter zero-transaction wallets (i.e. ineligible wallets) after the TGE will be redistributed to eligible wallets based on the amount of gas each user has spent since the TGE. - This means that each eligible user will receive their original pro-rated share, plus an additional pro-rated share of tokens originally intended for ineligible wallets (based on gas fees paid). - Make sure to claim your additional tokens from the same chain as the first time. Aptos users should claim from their EVM wallet. Any tokens not claimed within the next 30 days will be transferred to the LayerZero Foundation.