Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum morning trading ideas on Saturday

Yesterday, the overall rhythm rose first and then fell at the end of the day.

The overnight high and low points were 42100/62350 respectively.

After covering up our long position, we have continued to hold it.

Although I’m trapped, I’m not panicking at all. After all, it’s an upward trend.

Today, let’s look at the range, sell high, buy low and break through.

Daily structure K-line begins to close flat and discharges side by side

It may take a few days to accumulate energy before deciding on a direction.

Today's idea is very simple. Short-term, first go long, then go long.

BTC is bullish with reference to the 62700-63000 area.

Just adjust the target to 500-800 points

Ethernet synchronization ideas first look at 2650$BTC $ETH