Insights on Bitcoin's morning market on Saturday, September 21

The market did not move much at the end of Friday. After a round of rise to 64100 in the morning, it fell back under pressure and rose again after reaching 62390 in the evening. It has returned to 63300. The overall market has formed a tug-of-war trend, and there is not much continuation between long and short positions. We gave a low-long idea yesterday morning. After a round of gains, we were bullish and closed 1800 points as expected. In the evening, we turned bearish and 1800 iodine was eaten again. The idea was still very perfect.

At present, the rhythm has formed a range of oscillations. The overall market fluctuates around the upper and lower tracks of the hourly line. Don't look at too many one-sided aspects during the weekend. Pay attention to the upper pressure of 64100, and the lower support of 62500. You can choose the opportunity to participate in high-altitude and low-long. If the pressure and support are not broken, you can reverse the hand, and follow the trend if the entity breaks.

On Saturday morning, it is recommended to short Bitcoin near 63700-63900, with the target of 62800-62500. If it does not break, go long. Just follow up with Ethereum!

When the market fluctuates, don't panic, keep a cool head and firm determination. Remember, risks and opportunities coexist, and every seemingly difficult choice may lead us to a broader world. #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #特朗普首次使用BTC #CATI价格预测 $BTC $ETH $BNB