Ten clear cognitions in the currency circle to help you move forward rationally

1. Dreams and reality: Although you are full of expectations that a certain niche token has the potential to soar a hundred times, the reality is cruel. Such tokens will almost always return to silence in the end, and the success rate is almost zero.

2. Beware of publicity traps: When an investment opportunity is hyped as a way to make money easily, be sure to be vigilant, because this is often a signal that the market is overheated and is about to enter the takeover stage.

3. Reverse thinking: When market sentiment is extremely pessimistic, as if everything will return to zero, it is better to think in reverse, which often indicates that the market bottom is near and the dawn of the bull market is beginning to appear.

4. Beware of overconfidence: When you are full of confidence in the rise of a certain currency, and even feel that you have a sure win, be alert that this may be a sign that the dealer is quietly retreating.

5. Profits and risks coexist: Although the currency circle is full of wealth stories, please remember that losses are much easier than profits. Be cautious and plan risks reasonably.

6. Look at KOL rationally: Don't blindly worship so-called opinion leaders (KOL) and think that they can always make money easily. In fact, the real income of many KOLs may not be as good as you think, or even worse than that of ordinary investors. 7. The truth about contract trading: Contract trading seems attractive, but very few people can really profit from it. Don't trust the 50% success rate. In fact, the proportion of investors who can make continuous profits is much lower than this. 8. The wisdom of dancing with the banker: In the currency circle, the banker is not an enemy, but an object that can be leveraged. Learn to observe the movements of the banker and follow it in time, and you may get a share of the pie. 9. The essence of value: In the currency circle, many currencies themselves have no actual value support, and their price fluctuations are more due to the greed and fear of market participants. Recognizing this will help you look at the market more rationally. 10. The role of luck: Although hard work is the cornerstone of success, in the currency circle, getting rich overnight is often accompanied by luck. Keep a normal mind and don't pin all your hopes on the dream of getting rich overnight. #币安上线CATI #CATI价格预测 #CATI价格预测 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $BTC $ETH