$NEAR is a L1-built product, with the initial focus on developing an efficient, scalable, and easy-to-use platform for developers and users.

$NEAR has gradually joined new technology trends, including incorporating AI into hst -> Taking advantage of the growth of AI to integrate smart solutions in dApps and hst => Increasing applicability and bringing real value to hst.

The TVL of this product is quite high -> Users lock tokens to enjoy quite a lot of APY.

The backers are also quite strong: Coinbase Ventures, a16z, DragonFly Capital,...

Tokenomics is mainly in the hands of the team and VCs through fundraising rounds. This product also has small unlocking periods lasting until October 2025.

Inflation in the NEAR system Includes payments to validators and protocol reserves, after deducting transaction fees and token burning mechanisms such as domain auctions. The maximum inflation rate is 5%/year, but can be reduced if there are many transaction fees burned. In the case of enough fees burned, inflation can even be negative, meaning the total supply of $NEAR decreases, instead of increasing.

=> The possibility of this item pushing is very high.

Do you see the chart of NEAR Similar to the early stage of $BTC? Accumulate and pump.