The money collectors have made money again. This time, it is the previous Binance wallet task Puffer, which costs 56.73 dollars per person. According to my previous guide, it only cost 2 dollars to get it. It was sent directly to your Web3 wallet, go and have a look.

You can choose to deposit it directly into Binance to withdraw, or you can temporarily put it in your wallet as a money collector fund.

[This money collector income]

This time, the three accounts made 56.73x3=170.19 dollars, the total GAS loss was 3 dollars, and the actual income was 167.19 dollars.

When the pufETH of the main network is less than 1 in Gwei, it is expected to lose 0.5 dollars when it is converted into the main chain ETH. Don't exchange it now because the cost is high. Now the loss is 10 times greater when it is 10 in Gwei.

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