According to Foresight News, at the Solana Breakpoint conference, Solana co-founder Toly said, "Because the profit margins of Apple and Android app stores are so high, there is a lot of room to enter the mobile market. The most terrifying thing about working in the encryption field is smart contract hacking, which may happen on the L1 infrastructure itself. This is why the Solana validator client Firedancer has become the focus. We are very close to completing this work. Once Firedancer reaches a level on the mainnet where more than 33% of the network is running Firedancer or two clients, in my opinion, it will no longer be a beta version and I will remove the relevant beta label." In response to "what you hope to see from the Solana ecosystem", Toly said, "Build weird things, but more importantly, just build and don't worry about failure. This is a learning process."