The implementation of the interest rate cut did trigger a rebound, not a decline.

Bitcoin is currently fluctuating at a high level, and it is recommended to continue to wait and see.

Despite the positive market sentiment, it is still crucial to stay rational.

Everyone's confidence in the return of the bull market mainly comes from two aspects:

The beginning of the interest rate cut cycle will promote the gradual relaxation of liquidity.

The rebound in the daytime coin price, especially the outstanding performance of altcoins, brings hope.

However, two-thirds of investors still hold trapped spot positions, which means that the potential supply in the market is still large.

So, who can get out of the trap has become a key question.

Stay rational when it rises, and don't be afraid when it falls, so that you will be half successful in the coin circle. 👉** Follow me to view the homepage introduction and start your wealth journey! **🚀

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