64 stETH evaporated in an instant! "Permit" phishing signature is powerful again, and users suffer heavy losses!

According to on-chain monitoring, about 4 hours ago, a user mistakenly signed the "permit" phishing signature, resulting in the theft of 64 stETH, worth about 163,900 US dollars. This once again reminds us: In any case, be careful when signing, don't let hackers take advantage!

This incident highlights the great risks in the DeFi world, especially in the current busy and complex market. Users must always be vigilant and ensure that they only interact with trusted DApps. An inadvertent click may result in irreparable huge losses.

Protecting your assets is more important than market predictions! Avoid becoming the next victim by properly managing signature authorization and verifying wallet security.

Follow Boshi closely, not only taking you into the world of encrypted wealth, but also teaching you how to protect your digital assets!

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