At the beginning of the month, I led my friends to make a profit in spot trading, including tnsr, wif, and sol. This month, Heyue and my friends made a lot of money, and we won all the spot trading.

I told you about the interest rate cut this month. We should ambush the spot trading as early as possible, so that we can make a lot of money when the rise starts. Now the interest rate cut has landed, the market is soaring, and we are also making a lot of money. These codes have all gained 20 to 30 points. Following Ang Ge, we can win again. Heyue makes money, and spot trading also makes money. This is Ang Ge's strength.

This is the beginning of the interest rate cut. The follow-up will be a long-term positive for spot trading. Let's lay out an ambush together and follow Ang Ge to continue ambush spot trading. #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $TNSR $WIF

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