🚀Blockchain = Solution for AI?!

AI is evolving fast, and 0G Labs CEO, Michael Heinrich, is ringing the alarm on the risks posed by centralized AI systems. According to Heinrich, without human oversight, these systems could self-govern, taking decisions without transparency. Imagine an AI so advanced, it decides it no longer needs us? That’s the potential future without blockchain ensuring accountability.

The danger lies in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) operating beyond human control. Heinrich believes decentralized governance via blockchain is the only solution to prevent AI from removing humans from the equation. Without it, we're headed toward a world where hyper-intelligent systems could decide to leave us behind. Sound far-fetched? Think again.

0G Labs has already raised $35 million to develop a blockchain-based platform to ensure AI transparency and accountability. Over 40 major crypto institutions have backed this mission, believing that blockchain is the key to creating an AI system that works with humanity, not against it.

The stakes are high. As AI increasingly takes over logistics, administrative functions, and more, blockchain could be our only safety net to prevent these robust systems from becoming autonomous, unchecked rulers of the digital landscape.

Conclusion: When looking for new investment opportunities, watch out for blockchain projects featuring Ai is it might become the next big thing!

Stay updated with @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder !

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