Dear friends in the cryptocurrency circle, the Bitcoin market has started to dance wildly recently! In just 24 hours, more than 67,000 people suffered liquidation, which is really shocking! Faced with such a market, do you also feel at a loss? Don't worry, let's see how to deal with this volatile market.

First of all, we have to understand one thing: the fluctuation of the Bitcoin market is the norm, not the exception. Investors should always keep a clear head and not be confused by short-term ups and downs. Remember, long-term investment is the kingly way!

So, in the face of such drastic fluctuations, what should we do? Qingning gave the following suggestions:

1. Stay calm and don’t follow the crowd

When the market plummets, many people will panic sell, but this is often the worst choice. Qingning suggests that you should learn to think in reverse, be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy. Only by staying calm and analyzing rationally can you make the right decision.

2. Do a good job of risk management

This principle sounds simple, but not many people really do it. Qingning emphasized that you should never bet your entire fortune on one investment. Allocate funds reasonably and set stop-loss points, so that even if the market falls sharply, you will not be hurt.

3. Focus on fundamentals

In the midst of violent fluctuations, many people only focus on the candlestick chart, but ignore the fundamentals behind it. Qingning reminds us to pay more attention to factors such as Bitcoin's technological development, application scenarios, and regulatory policies, which are the key to determining long-term trends.

4. Learn to hedge risks

Experts know that you should not put all your eggs in one basket. In addition to Bitcoin, you can also consider other cryptocurrencies, gold, stocks and other investment products to diversify risks.

5. Stick to the fixed investment strategy

For beginners, fixed investment may be the most reliable strategy. Qingning suggests that you can invest a fixed amount every week or month to smooth out the impact of short-term fluctuations.

6. Improve your self-awareness

In this ever-changing market, knowledge is power. Qingning called on investors to continue to learn and improve their understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Only in this way can they take the initiative in the market.

7. Be patient

Rome wasn't built in a day! Bitcoin's growth also takes time. Qingning reminds us not to expect to get rich overnight, but to be patient and believe in the power of time.

8. Don’t borrow money to invest

This may be the most important piece of advice. Qingning warns you not to borrow money to invest in Bitcoin! High leverage can make you rich overnight when the market is good, but it can also make you bankrupt overnight when the market is bad.

9. Pay attention to market sentiment

Market sentiment often reflects short-term trends. Qingning suggests that you can learn about market sentiment through social media, forums and other channels, but don't be swayed by emotions.

10. Create a trading plan

Never fight a battle without preparation! Qing Ning emphasized that a detailed plan should be made before each transaction, including entry point, exit point, stop loss position, etc., and strictly implemented.

Finally, Qingning also reminds us that although the Bitcoin market is full of opportunities, risks cannot be ignored. Investment is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the market. Do not invest more than you can afford, and stay rational and sober.

Friends, facing the drastic fluctuations in the Bitcoin market, do you have a plan to deal with it? Remember, in this market, opportunities and risks coexist. Only by being fully prepared can you move forward steadily in the storm. Let us work together to find our own opportunities in this challenging market!