Catizen’s long-anticipated $CATI coin airdrop has ignited a firestorm of backlash, leaving players furious over what they are calling an unjust and skewed distribution of rewards. Players who invested months grinding and climbing the ranks in the Telegram-based farming game were left stunned as the reward system seemed to ignore their dedication. High-ranking participants, some who ranked in the top 1% of the game's 36 million players, received shockingly low token rewards. Meanwhile, lower-level players, with far less game time, were inexplicably awarded larger amounts of CATI coins.

The discontent has reached a boiling point, with players like "Crypto with Khan" calling out the discrepancies. He ranked 6,054, only to receive a mere 39 CATI tokens, while others with less game progress got significantly higher rewards. The hashtag **#CatizenScam** is trending as players speculate whether the Catizen team used hidden criteria, potentially based on daily activity, to allocate the tokens.

What’s more, the team’s last-minute decision to reduce the community’s share from 43% to 34%—redirecting 9% to Binance’s Launchpool—has only poured fuel on the fire. As frustration spreads, Catizen risks losing the trust of its community, with many questioning the project’s transparency and fairness.

Could this be the beginning of Catizen’s downfall, or will the team step up to address the growing backlash before it’s too late?

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