Sesame blossoms and grows higher and higher. Bitcoin daily K has three consecutive positives and gradually rises. Pay attention to the stabilization of the 65,000 resistance level. The last wave of callback was from 65,000 to 52,500. If you don’t chase more, there will be more opportunities if the retracement is given. If there is no opportunity, there is nothing you can do. After all, today is Friday. Beware of black swans. Now the price is 64,000, and the pressure of 65,000 above is imminent, so it is not recommended to chase more directly.

If the price retreats to 62,600 and 61,900 below, participate in long positions, with the targets of 63,500, 64,500 and 65,000, and defend 61,500

The above is only a personal opinion. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market! #加密市场反弹 #CATI价格预测 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $BTC