Analysis of BTC and ETH market on September 20:

Today’s highlights

BTC’s daily closing at 62,500 is like breaking through 63,000 at that time. How much room is there above? The bullish sentiment is there, and the optimistic sentiment in the market will always exist, so the bulls in the market will always exist. Breaking through the current resistance will have room for growth, but this little space will be very risky. Everyone should consider it for themselves. The resistance point on the intraday level can break through the new high to 66,000 points. If the new high of the day does not go up, the first line of support will be around 61,200. The second-line intraday support focuses on the 60,000 integer mark. If it falls below 60,000, it will return to the daily support position of 58,000.

ETH had a slight rebound in the early morning. Overall, the two cakes have been going down without much rebound in the middle. The highest point in the early morning is close to the 2500 point line. If the big cake and the second cake break the new high today, the second cake should pay attention to the resistance point at the 2600 point line. The intraday support position can first look at the 2360-2400 range. After falling below 2360, you can pay attention to the 2300-2320 range.