The current consolidation trend of the big cake is highly similar to that in 2019. Will it follow the script of 2019 and rebound all the way?

Personally, I think there is a difference. Under the macro background, the interest rate cut in 2019 was earlier, and it happened to peak after the interest rate cut. The interest rate has not been cut yet.

The market in 2019 was mainly manifested as a wash-out of spot longs, falling from a high of 14,000 to 6,500, and the wash-out callback reached 50%. The current wash-out depth is different from 73,800 to 49,000.

The last rebound in 2019 was actually mainly with the US stock market. At that time, the US stock market was constantly breaking new highs. Now the US stock market has not returned to the previous high, and there is still some decline, so there may be discrepancies in direct comparison. #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #新币挖矿HMSTR #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #币安上线NEIRO