Ethereum's next hard fork, Pectra, will take place in two parts in 2025

Since Pectra is one of the largest updates that Ethereum will receive to date, the developers decided to divide it into two parts in order to better focus on each aspect contemplated in each phase.


Core Ethereum developers will divide the next major update into two parts

The measure seeks to avoid code errors, ensuring that the changes can be worked on optimally

The first part of Pectra will take place at the beginning of the year, the next will come later

Pectra would be the largest update planned for Ethereum to date

The Ethereum core developers offered more details about the new update for the network, better known under the name Pectra, which will finally be carried out in two parts to make it less complicated to manage.

Pectra will be split into two updates

As indicated in a report published by CoinDesk, the announcement by the developers confirms what many had already been thinking, precisely because of the complexity and magnitude of the changes that will be introduced to the Ethereum network after the next update. The idea of ​​this division also lies in minimizing the risks of errors in the code, which can lead to operational problems that affect the infrastructure's functioning.

At the developers' conference, Ethereum Foundation researcher Alex Stokes confirmed this premise, and indicated that sometimes it is better to have a smaller scope, rather than being very ambitious and leaving unpolished aspects that can cause problems.

According to the developers, Pectra appears to be the largest update via hard fork that Ethereum will receive to date. #Ethereum #ETH #BinanceTurns7 #eth‬ $ETH #MarketSentimentToday