[“Big Short” Eisman withdraws prediction of Trump’s victory, changes his words to say election result is unpredictable] Golden Finance reported that Steve Eisman, senior portfolio manager of Neuberger Berman, now says he doesn’t know who will win the US presidential election, retracting his previous prediction that Donald Trump will win. Eisman said in an interview on Thursday that the reason is that the current President Joe Biden decided to withdraw from the election: “I have withdrawn this prediction.” In July this year, Steve Eisman said that Trump would win the presidential election in November regardless of whether Biden withdrew from the election. He said that if the Democrats win the Senate, the House of Representatives and the White House, the market will fall straight down under the expectation of rising taxes. But if Harris enters the White House and the Democrats do not win a big victory, then the market will be “fine.” He also said that if Trump wins, the stock market will rise regardless of the outcome of Congress because investors will take tax cuts for granted. Eisman said Harris’s election will boost solar stocks. Eisman reiterated that his investment portfolio is mainly in artificial intelligence, technology stocks and infrastructure sectors.