With public interest from a large Brazilian film production company showing that it can produce a film about the fraud with the image of bitcoin that stopped Cabo Frio

The National Cinema Agency (ANCINE) has announced that there is a project for a film about the “Bitcoin Pharaoh” in progress. With no script yet, everything indicates that Glaidson Acácio dos Santos could become even more famous.

Known in Cabo Frio (RJ) and throughout Brazil after promising profits of 10% per month with investments in bitcoin, the pharaoh created GAS Consultoria. He was in charge of the business with his Venezuelan wife, Mirelis Zerpa.

In a major twist in the case, Glaidson is suspected of defrauding thousands of Brazilians, receiving billions of reais from victims. A former pastor and waiter, he sent part of the money to a church and is being investigated for ordering the murder of competitors in the Cabo Frio region.

The film about Glaidson, therefore, will tell the story of how he began his journey until he fell into the network of crimes that culminated in his arrest by the Federal Police in 2021, in Operation Kryptos.

ANCINE announces that documentary film about bitcoin pharaoh is in the process of seeking resources

Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, with almost 50 years of history and more than 40 film, TV and streaming projects under its belt, Morena Filmes, founded by Mariza Leão and Sergio Rezende, is among the largest audiovisual production companies in Brazil.

The production company is famous for having made films such as My Name Is Not Johnny (Selton Mello), Eike – All or Nothing (story by Eike Batista), The Patient, The Tancredo Neves Case, among other great national films.

In a Livecoins consultation on the project, it is clear that the film has been seeking resources from ANCINE since October 2023. In the Official Gazette of the Union this Thursday (19), for example, the film seeks to raise R$15 million for its production.

Ancine recebeu pedido de apoio para produção de filme do Faraó dos Bitcoins

Ancine received a request for support for the production of the Pharaoh of Bitcoins film/Consultation by Livecoins in September 2024.

The film's synopsis points to a documentary, promising to adopt a dramatic comedy tone.

“Pharaoh is a dramatic and action-packed film about the true story of former waiter and former pastor Glaidson dos Santos and his wife Mirelis, who together created the largest financial pyramid in the history of Brazil, G.A.S., which they said was linked to Bitcoin, and which reached three hundred thousand clients and moved R$38 billion. A “Wolf of Wall Street” mixed with a Brazilian “Madoff”, with humor from “Fargo” and characters from “Ozark” that shows that if Brazilians didn’t exist, they would have to be invented.”

ANCINE's approval to release R$3 million to the film took place on September 5, 2024, during the 918th Ordinary Meeting of the Collegiate Board. To complete the production's financing, there is now a request to the Audiovisual Sector Fund (FSA) for a few more million.

918ª Reunião Ordinária de Diretoria Colegiada - 05/09/2024

The Federal Police arrested Glaidson Acácio dos Santos after reports aired on TV Globo's Fantástico program, which pointed to a financial pyramid scheme in Cabo Frio, a city that even earned the nickname “New Egypt”.

After Glaidson's arrest, several investors began protesting in public streets and calling for the freedom of the leader of the fraudulent scheme. Many investors were hoping that, with the pharaoh's freedom, the bitcoins would be released to customers.

With investors having not gotten their money back since Glaidson's arrest, he has also publicly stated that he has a cryptocurrency portfolio filled with millions in assets, saved for his retirement.

In any case, a film about the Bitcoin Pharaoh could present interesting new versions of the case, although the format is not known. It is not clear whether Glaidson will present his version and have his testimony collected, since he remains imprisoned in Paraná, in a maximum security federal prison.