"A new trend in cryptocurrency investment: six stable strategies to protect asset appreciation! The coin hoarding method, no matter whether the market is hot or cold, holding coins and waiting for the rise will show its true colors, but be wary of emotional trading. In a bull market, chase the decline, flexibly deploy small-cap currencies, and capture the opportunity of skyrocketing. Change the hourglass, keep up with the market rhythm, from leading to small coins, step by step. Don't panic in the face of a sharp drop, the pyramid bottom-picking method is scientifically deployed, and positions are built in batches to reduce risks. The moving average method is a must for K-line basics, the trend is king, and the buying and selling opportunities are accurately grasped. Finally, the violent coin hoarding method is specially designed for long-term experts, selects potential currencies, dynamically adjusts strategies, and realizes continuous accumulation of assets!" #美联储宣布降息50个基点