Let me predict that in the near future, various things will definitely happen between China and Japan, including Chinese in Japan and Japanese in China.

Go back a little: Tieshun painted words on the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, and then someone urinated on it. In China, someone first boarded a school bus to stab a student (was stopped), and this time he stabbed a student on the road.

Why? You have to look at the current international background.

The international background is that the United States needs an East Asian Ukraine to fight against Russia and China, and needs Japan to directly participate in the hot war.

Why did Fumio Kishida resign? He is not stupid, why would he get involved in this matter.

Haven't you noticed that the recent time is mainly aimed at the Japanese people? Because their emotions need to go.

If it is just to provoke relations, there will also be some things that target the pain points of the Chinese people. For example, the Hong Kong separatists went to protect Diaoyu Islands with passion and generosity.