Since the beginning of 2024, projects based on The Open Network (TON) ecosystem in the Telegram messenger have gained immense popularity. One of them is the hybrid decentralized exchange Blum, which was created by former top managers of Binance.

What is BLUM?

Blum is an innovative hybrid decentralized exchange (DEX) that operates within Telegram, blending cryptocurrency trading with gamification. Launched on April 19, 2024, Blum is the brainchild of former Binance executives Gleb Kostarev and Vlad Smerkis. Their goal is to simplify cryptocurrency trading by offering a user-friendly platform integrated into Telegram.

Who created Blum?

Gleb Kostarev and Volodymyr Smerkis previously held senior positions at Binance.

Kostarev was Binance’s regional director for Eastern Europe, the CIS, Turkey, Australia and New Zealand. Smerkis headed the administration in these countries.

The platform allows easy access to tokens from centralized and decentralized exchanges, along with simplified derivatives trading, all within the familiar environment of the Telegram messenger.

Key Features:

- Simple Registration: Users can easily register via a Telegram bot [] and receive starter tokens to begin their journey.

- Earning Blum Points: Regular logins, daily tasks (like subscribing to social media channels), and inviting friends help users earn more Blum Points.

Gamified Experience: Blum offers a minigame called the "Drop Game" where players collect snowflakes to earn points.

Roadmap Highlights:

Blum's future features include:

- Token exchange

- Multiparty computing (MPC) wallets

- Open-ended contracts

- Launch of a mempad for users to create their own tokens within 20 seconds, which can then be traded on the platform.

The full version of Blum is set to launch in the fourth quarter of 2024, along with token listings on exchanges and potential airdrops.

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