In 2017, when the highest price of Ethereum reached $1,380, Vitalik, 24 years old, spent four years to reach a net worth of $40.8 billion, while Li Ka-shing spent 68 years to reach a net worth of $34.9 billion, and Jack Ma spent 18 years to reach a net worth of $31.4 billion. Vitalik surpassed Jack Ma, Li Ka-shing and other business tycoons in such a short time. This is a myth that only digital currency can create! And the King of Bits himself said that his magic weapon for winning with a small investment is: "Slow is fast". Trading is a marathon rather than a 100-meter sprint. Steady and steady is the most important. It is about endurance rather than speed. Whoever survives to the end is the final winner. A typical example is that many people had their positions blown up on March 12 this year, but the King of Bits not only did not blow up but made millions. This kind of operation is dancing with the dealer, and even the dealer can't cut you. It's really awesome! Recently, I am very optimistic about DODO, a decentralized exchange (DEX). Its main product functions include anchor pools, one-click coin issuance, and autonomous mining. The anchor pool allows users to provide liquidity and earn returns, while the one-click coin issuance function simplifies the token issuance process, allowing users to quickly create and issue their own tokens, lowering the entry barrier. These features are particularly suitable for the rapidly developing Meme coin market, especially in the context of the outbreak of the Meme sector. DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function and the upcoming Meme platform are expected to attract a large number of users and bring a surge in traffic.

DODO's product features provide multi-faceted support for the development of BTCFi assets and Meme coins. Through autonomous mining, users can not only participate in liquidity provision, but also obtain additional incentives through mining, thereby improving asset liquidity and user engagement. In addition, DODO's efficient trading mechanism and low slippage also provide a good environment for Meme coin transactions, encouraging more users to participate.

Compared with other DEXs, DODO's relatively low market value and support from top institutions may bring greater market imagination space. Institutional support often means higher trust and liquidity, while a lower market value also means greater growth potential. Such a combination may attract more investors and users to pay attention to DODO and promote its further development in the field of decentralized finance.