PiP World, a Dubai-based web3 gaming company, is launching a tap-to-earn Telegram game called Gold Rush, as reported by The Block. This move follows PiP World's acquisition of Roblox stock trading simulator StockRise in August. Gold Rush, which will be hosted on the Telegram messaging platform, is designed to provide users with a fun and accessible way to earn rewards while playing. The game is expected to attract users who are already familiar with the Telegram platform, as well as those who are new to web3 gaming. PiP World is confident that Gold Rush will be a successful addition to its portfolio of web3 games. The company believes that the game's simple gameplay and potential for earning rewards will appeal to a wide audience. PiP World is a leading provider of web3 games, with a focus on creating immersive and engaging experiences for players. The company's mission is to make web3 gaming more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.