Bitcoin is now in a high-level oscillation market after a positive pull

Bitcoin's oscillation here gives the cottage to make up for the rise, because Bitcoin has risen a lot in the previous half a month, but the cottage is still on the floor

So everyone can see whether a cottage has taken off, some have been listed on the Korean platform, etc., and the rise is 20-30% in an instant. Ethereum also started to make up for the rise at noon today, and it has risen by about 2% at present.

Let's talk about the market in the next few days: Bitcoin's current wave of interest rate cut speculation is temporarily not big, about 62500-63500

So Bitcoin's oscillation gives the cottage an opportunity, you can open the daily chart with Bitcoin on the left and another cottage on the right to compare and see

Bitcoin has taken off halfway up the mountain, and Ethereum cottage is still on the floor

Compared with Bitcoin at 62000, Ethereum should be 2600 or even higher

This week, after Ethereum and cottages make up for the rise for 2-3 days, Bitcoin and Ethereum cottages will collectively pull back a wave of Bitcoin daily support 59500, 57500 next week, and close the monthly line at the end of the month, and then the main rising market will be in the autumn market in October

Therefore, if the market has a small correction in the next three days, you can make up for the rise of Ethereum or altcoins in the next few days, and then wait for the end of next week when BTC and ETH will correct together before doing the unilateral daily rising market in October.

The correction at the end of the month is for the unilateral surge in October!

There are only two good market trends in a year, February in the first half of the year and October in the second half of the year. You can take a look at the market trends in February at the beginning of the year. It is most important to grasp the market trends in October. October is a bronze game.

After the end of October, I am not optimistic about the market trends in November and December at the end of the year. The overall trend of the currency circle in 24 years this year is particularly similar to that of 21 years and 19 years.

If you have nothing to do, you can also take a look at the trend of the currency circle in the second half of 19 and the second half of 21 years.

At present, I have dozens of response plans in my hands.

If you can keep up, please find me.




