You should have a certain understanding of this interest rate cut! ! About the bear and bull market in the future

The 50 basis point interest rate cut was announced early this morning. Will money flow into the market immediately? Definitely not. It takes several months from policy to implementation to landing!

So why is the big cake rising now? In fact, it is easy to understand. Because the market has this good expectation, it will rise a little, because there will be delicious buns to eat in a few months. The main reason is that there is still no money now, so it still can't pull it up! What will happen after it can't pull it up? It will definitely fall back?

Remember when the ETF was passed, it fell first and then slowly rose! The process of interest rate cut will be longer than ETF. The interest rate cut targets all industries. ETF is a precise big cake, so the timeliness is fast!

Understand this way, the funds will not arrive until the end of next month or after November at the earliest! During this period, what will the big dealers do? They will do everything they can to get you down!

The dot matrix chart expects a probability of a 50-75 basis point interest rate cut this year! This flow means that there will be another crazy start in Q1 next year! The market rhythm starts in Q4 this year and reaches crazy in Q1 next year! We are still in Q3 now, so you know!

Lay out chips, be a diamond hand, lie down for half a year and get ashore!

If you can't grasp the bear market or bull market, you can open the main business to see

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