The crypto market is destined to be restless. Another round of storms is coming. Are you ready to protect your wallet?

The Fed cut interest rates by 50 basis points!

The crypto market and US stocks are about to plummet!

The gold market is about to surge!

This morning, the Fed announced that its monetary policy was in line with expectations and cut interest rates by 50 basis points. Under the influence of emotions, the crypto market ushered in a wave of increases. It is still unknown where it will rise, but the subsequent plunge is inevitable. Why? According to previous data, the Fed's sharp interest rate cut is actually a measure to cope with the US economic recession. Warren Buffett, the stock god, had already run away before the interest rate cut.

So, if you say that the bull market is gone, it's not true. After all, it's still a little bit worse than the financial tsunami in 2008. It depends on the economic situation of the United States after the implementation of monetary policy and further measures. This is a relatively long process.

Anyway, if there is a big drop, just buy the bottom.

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