The interest rate has been cut, and the easing cycle has finally officially started!

Whether it is A-shares or our cryptocurrency leeks, they have finally made it.

It is difficult to judge how the short-term trend will go, but in the next three or four months,

I think the altcoin bull market will definitely start.

The interest rate cut has weakened the attractiveness of US dollar assets, including the decline in US bond yields, and a considerable amount of liquidity funds will also come out, and these funds will flow into the stock market, cryptocurrency and emerging economies.

The performance of altcoins will be very important in the future. The differentiation between strong and weak will become more and more obvious, which also means that our ability to select coins has been put to a higher test, to select altcoins with hype expectations.

Have a strong sense of sectors and follow the trend of hot money closely.

After catching a wave of market conditions, quickly move positions to ambush the next possible hot spot, and in this way, continue to roll up funds.

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