Odaily Planet Daily News: The latest Family Office Investor Summit (FOIS) held in Singapore this week showed that family offices managing at least $100 million are increasingly looking to liquid token investments, artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming as part of their move into alternative assets. It is reported that there are 8,030 single family offices worldwide, and it is expected that by 2030, the size of their managed assets will surge by 189% to $9.5 trillion. “Asia Pacific is expected to lead the growth in family office wealth globally, with assets under management in Singapore likely to grow 10% to US$5.41 trillion by 2025. This growth is largely attributed to net inflows into alternative investments, with 37% of family offices expecting widespread adoption of digital technologies and 32% focusing on sustainable investing,” said Manana Samuseva, founder of FOIS. “While short-term, profit-focused tech investments have slowed, these markets remain highly sensitive to external factors as the hype around artificial intelligence continues, suggesting a shift towards market maturity for the digital asset class, supported by greater accessibility and a cultural shift. Our strategy is focused on delivering 10x+ IRR returns through alternative investments,” explained Samuseva. Per Kavita Gupta, founder and general partner of Delta Blockchain Fund, said that liquidity token investments are looking increasingly attractive relative to early-stage investments. “We are at an interesting juncture in token economics. Despite the slump in the altcoin market (including those of established projects), new businesses ready to enter the token market are facing unusually high valuations set by venture capitalists. This trend makes liquidity token investments increasingly attractive compared to early-stage investments, marking a major shift in the crypto industry.” (CoinDesk)