The interest rate cut is finally here, and the easing cycle has officially begun!

Whether it is A-share or cryptocurrency investors, they have finally ushered in a turnaround.

The short-term trend is still difficult to judge, but in the next three or four months, it is likely to start a bull market for altcoins.

The interest rate cut has weakened the attractiveness of US dollar assets, the US Treasury yield has fallen, and a large amount of liquidity funds will flow into the stock market, cryptocurrency and emerging markets.

The performance of altcoins is crucial, the differentiation between strong and weak has intensified, and the requirements for coin selection ability are also higher.

We must keep up with market hotspots, seize opportunities and quickly move, ambush the next hotspot, and continuously expand the scale of funds.

Pay attention to the following during the day: METIS, GNS, DOGE, ORDI, blur....

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