In terms of expectation management, the Federal Reserve said:

Although I have cut interest rates, it does not mean that we have entered a cycle of interest rate cuts; Although I have cut a lot, it does not mean that the economy has deteriorated; Although the data has been lowered, it does not mean that we have entered a recession.

Extremely subtle and interesting!  

The one who deserves the most praise is actually Mr. Bao! Every morning when I open my eyes, I think about the interest I have to pay every year, which is 120 million US dollars, which is much higher than the annual military expenditure.

Withstand the pressure and cut interest rates significantly, and then find some space in the speech session. The body is very honest but the mouth must be hard. It is not easy to live a depressed life at an age!

Objectively speaking, interest rate cuts must be a good thing for the currency circle. There will be more opportunities, and it is better to have water than not.

Whether it is from the perspective of the hedging strategy of the replacement of the old and new orders, or the perspective of the United States releasing water again, there is no reason for gold and Bitcoin not to rise.

But this does not mean that you will definitely make money. I have said before that 2025 may be the last chance for grassroots to counterattack in the cryptocurrency circle, but most people will still have nothing in the end. I still hold this view now.

Just like the water level has dropped from the neck to the chest, the danger has decreased, but whether you can survive depends on yourself.

The only thing that is certain is that we are still in the bull market, and there is still the second half to gamble, provided that you have already laid out the core assets. If you don’t even have the capital to make a living now, basically the second half has nothing to do with you.

You just need to remember that the rate cut and the election will not change the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle, but will only change the madness of the bull market! Keep holding!

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