🎁Here’s a simple guide to calculating your $HMSTR rewards:

🔰Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Your $HMSTR Rewards

📍Step 1: Identify Your Eligible Holdings**

- Start by checking your current HMSTR token balance.

- Ensure you meet the minimum holding requirements to qualify for rewards.

📍Step 2: Determine the Rewards Rate**

- Find out the current rewards rate (for example, 5% Annual Percentage Yield or APY).

- Consider any special bonuses or promotional rates that might apply.

📍Step 3: Compute the Rewards Amount**

- Multiply your eligible HMSTR holdings by the rewards rate.

- For example: If you hold 1,000 HMSTR and the rewards rate is 5%, the calculation would be:

1,000 HMSTR x 5% = 50 HMSTR.

📍Step 4: Confirm the Reward Distribution Schedule**

- Review the distribution schedule, which could be daily, weekly, or another frequency.

- Check for any vesting periods or lock-up requirements associated with the rewards.

📍Example Calculation:**

- **Eligible Holdings:** 1,000 HMSTR

- **Rewards Rate:** 5% APY

- **Calculated Rewards:** 50 HMSTR

- **Distribution Schedule:** Daily

- **Daily Rewards:** 50 HMSTR Ă· 365 = 0.137 HMSTR per day

📝Important Notes:**

- Rewards rates and distribution schedules are subject to change.

- Always refer to official sources for the latest updates and information.
