During this period, some friends have come in to follow orders with 10u and 20u. I advise you not to do it, because I can cover the position, but your amount is too small to cover it. In the end, I closed the position with profit, but you may still lose money, and then you scold me for being a bad boy😓
10u and 20u are also money, not a small amount, and worth a hot pot. Don't waste it🙏, but if it is a copy order compensation coupon given by Binance, you can do it at will👌🏼
I opened this order to verify my small amount of permanent profit strategy, which is a test. The goal is to see if it can outperform the income of mainstream coins in the currency circle after 3 months or half a year😃. Interested friends can follow it. If you don't have enough funds, you can also support the simulated copy order, haha!